5 Mid-level free agents the Orlando Magic should pursue

The Orlando Magic have the money to go after a major free agent. But that is not the only new player they should be looking to add to the roster. What mid-level free agents are out there for Orlando?
The Orlando Magic were rumored to chase Gary Trent Jr. in 2021 before he re-signed with the Toronto Raptors. They may be in a position to chase him again this offseason.
The Orlando Magic were rumored to chase Gary Trent Jr. in 2021 before he re-signed with the Toronto Raptors. They may be in a position to chase him again this offseason. / John E. Sokolowski-USA TODAY Sports
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There is a tendency when a team has money to burn in free agency to focus only on the big fish in the pond.

Indeed, the Orlando Magic as a team should be looking to add at least one starting-level player to bolster their lineup. Even if that is just looking for an upgrade over Gary Harris or the spot he is leaving behind.

But the summer cannot be just about filling that spot. There is a lot more for the team to do quite clearly.

The Magic have relied on young players to fill in the roster. That works for a time. But the playoffs showed how valuable consistency and veteran presence are. The Magic will not abandon their young players—especially last year's two rookies who struggled to crack the rotation.

Still, there should be some urgency to spend and to put together a winning team that can advance deeper into the playoffs as Paolo Banchero, Franz Wagner and Jalen Suggs continue to develop.

It does feel like anything is possible this offseason.

But more importantly, the Magic should realize they are not just one piece away from title contention. They still need to rely on their depth to get them further into the postseason.

That is why this summer is not about signing one big-money player. With the Magic's ample cap room— potentially up to $50 million but realistically somewhere between $30-$50 million— they should be looking not only to add a starter in the $23-$25 million range, but also another high-level bench player to fill the remaining cap room they have.

With the mid-level exception falling at $13 million, the Magic should also be looking to fill out their roster with players in this range (for reference, Cole Anthony will make $12.9 million this year, so that is a reasonable number for a high-level reserve).

As much as there is attention on the big fish in this free agent market, the Magic's success might be determined by how the team fills out the rest of its roster this summer.

The Magic need a starting point guard. But they could also use improved wing depth and security at forward this offseason. There is much work to do to solidify the team's bench and roster.