The Orlando Magic will probably play things safe even with the NBA looking to expand rosters to include two-way and replacement players.
The NBA is slowly kicking back to life.
The league is moving forward with its plans to restart the season at Disney on July 30. Teams will begin more formal training at their practice facilities this week with everything ramping up in the coming weeks.
Teams will begin making their way down to Disney on July 9 where there will be a final round of testing and then training camp begins on the campus site for the next two weeks. The hope is that testing over the next few weeks will enable the NBA to control any potential outbreaks and have everyone enter the bubble cleanly.
But the league knows it has to be prepared for every contingency. There is no going in completely clean. And everyone has to be prepared to miss players for at least a week or more as players go through testing and the potential for quarantine.
The NBA is going to try to alleviate some of those concerns and at least give teams an extra few bodies to bring into the campus setting — although that comes with attendant concerns over adding more people to the bubble and a greater chance of exposure.
Beginning Tuesday, the league will open its transaction window once again for a period of one week. This will allow teams to add players to their roster to bring into the campus setting.
This is a great opportunity for teams to supplement their roster and do some planning for the future — teams outside of the playoffs will also be able to make transactions during this window. And this is a chance to finalize rosters before the end of the season.
The Orlando Magic may not be front runners for some of the bigger names. But this is still a chance to add needed depth and supplement their roster for this year while planning for beyond it.