Gilbert Arenas had some rather interesting t..."/> Gilbert Arenas had some rather interesting t..."/>

Orlando Magic News & Notes: Gilbert’s Injury


Gilbert Arenas had some rather interesting tweets yesterday regarding his health:

"Good news..the knee is structurally fine..just never retrained the muscles to fire in sync..8hrs of re training..means really Freaky soreIt wasnt arthritis from the was lack of muscle use..and over using wrong muscles…so otis WAS right..gotta get stronger legsSo the lack of jumpin and explosiveness was do to not haven’t the leg power I once I gotta get my beef cake 3000 on lol"

Really makes you wonder why no doctors or anyone on either the Wizards or Magic training staff figured this one out until now. At least, Gilbert made everyone feel a little better with a South Park reference.

Zach McCann of the Orlando Sentinel caught up with former Magic fan favorite Darrell Armstrong:

"Armstrong still the days of Heart and Hustle fondly. The 1999-2000 Magic, led by Armstrong and coached by Doc Rivers, scrapped their way to 41 wins by outworking and outhustling opponents despite not possessing much proven NBA talent.As a coach, he draws inspiration from that squad.“Everybody’s got talent; everybody knows how to play when you’re in the NBA,” Armstrong said. “But everybody’s not going to play hard every night. So that’s what we did. We played hard. We played with our hearts, we played with our hustle, and it came out to be the heart and hustle that many fans around here still love.”"

Philip Rossman-Reich has more about Justin Harper:

"The difference between the two — and perhaps the key to determining whether Harper can actually play for the Magic — is on the defensive end. That is a lot harder to quantify for Harper since he is coming out of the mid-major Atlantic 10 having played for Richmond.Anderson’s defense can best be described as serviceable, although he is often the weak link in the post. The Magic posted a 101 defensive rating and Anderson had a 2.5 defensive win shares in 2011. Of course, as with any Magic player, you have to ask how much of that was Dwight Howard helping. It will be interesting to see what Harper can provide on this front."

Wood Wommack of the Naples Daily News caught up with Magic scout Sam Foggin:

"“With the players that were available I was shocked,” Foggin said. “… Three years ago, we took Milovan Rakovic with the 60th pick. He was a proven Serbian big guy who now makes a million dollars a year, and will probably make an NBA team when he’s finished with his contract. That’s a great example of a guy you can get late. Were any of the guys taken late in the second round even reminiscent of Rakovic? What did they see? We don’t look at wasting picks late in the draft. We treat it like a serious business transaction.”Rakovic is one of two international players the Magic currently hold the NBA rights to. The other, Fran Vasquez, was selected in the first round of the 2005 draft, but has turned down the chance to come to the NBA so he can play in his native Spain."

(Andrew Melnick is Howard the Dunk’s lead blogger, ESPN 1080’s Magic Insider ( and is the co-host of the Insiders Show Sunday mornings at 10:00 am EST. Subscribe to his RSS feed, add him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter to follow him daily. You can download the HTD app here).