When is the NBA Summer League 2024? Dates, Locations, Teams

2023 NBA Summer League - Denver Nuggets v Milwaukee Bucks
2023 NBA Summer League - Denver Nuggets v Milwaukee Bucks / Ethan Miller/GettyImages

The NBA Summer League is a chance for teams to give their young prospects, two-way players, and G League players some run and see what they have outside the regular rotation. Especially interesting is watching a team's most recent draft picks play in the Summer League. It can give fans an idea of what to expect from rookies in their first season or which improvements second-year players have made since being drafted. 

Besides this year's Las Vegas Summer League, which is the main competition for young prospects, there will be two other events: the California Classic Summer League and the Salt Lake City Summer League. Between the NBA Summer League, the WNBA season, and the Paris Olympics there is a lot to watch for basketball fans this summer. 

Las Vegas Summer League dates and teams 

From July 12-22, all thirty NBA teams will send their summer league rosters to Las Vegas to compete in the NBA2K Summer League. Originally, the Las Vegas Summer League started in 2004, featuring six NBA teams—the Boston Celtics, Cleveland Cavaliers, Denver Nuggets, Orlando Magic, Phoenix Suns, and Washington Wizards. By 2008, it expanded to 22 teams, and since 2018 all NBA teams participate every year. 

What is the California Classic Summer League? 

The California Classic Summer League first kicked off in 2018, replacing the Orlando Pro Summer League with a competition in Sacramento. 

This year, the California Classic Summer League will take place in Sacramento and San Francisco, as the Kings and Warriors decided to partner up. It will include 12 total games between the Sacramento Kings, San Antonio Spurs, Charlotte Hornets, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Lakers, and Miami Heat from July 6-10. 

What is the Salt Lake City Summer League?

The Utah Jazz have been hosting a summer league for NBA teams since the 1990s when the Utah Jazz, Portland Trail Blazers, Phoenix Suns, and Sacramento Kings first competed against each other. Over the years, the number of participating teams in the Rocky Mountain Revue changed regularly, and in 2009, the league was eventually canceled for a while.

In 2015, it started up again under the name Utah Jazz Summer League. Four years later, the event was rebranded, receiving a new name—the Salt Lake City Summer League—logo, and court design. 

This year, it will take place from July 8-10 at Delta Center, featuring the Utah Jazz, Memphis Grizzlies, Oklahoma City Thunder, and Philadelphia 76ers. 

When and where can we watch the Magic's Summer League team? 

As all thirty teams in the NBA, the Orlando Magic will be competing in the Las Vegas Summer League from July 12-22. 

We should expect to see at least a bit of the Magic's most recent lottery picks, Anthony Black and Jett Howard, in Las Vegas. Both could fill important needs for the Magic in the 2024-25 season. Black could provide some point guard play and defense, while Howard could offer some outside shooting. They might not play huge roles quite yet, but it will still be interesting to see how they have developed since being drafted last year. 

Other than that, we will see this year's draft picks and some G League prospects. The final rosters will be announced later on. 
