The Orlando Magic keep trying to host All-Star Weekend. But a new report suggests they will have to wait. At least until their construction is done.
The Orlando Magic have made it no secret they would like to host the NBA All-Star Game again.
Team CEO Alex Martins has publicly acknowledged the team has applied for the All-Star Game in each of the last few rounds of bidding. And the NBA has always made it known it would like to return to Orlando for its midseason weekend of festivities.
The 2012 All-Star Game was largely a success despite some minor complaints about the travel between the convention center and the arena.
Orlando is hoping some of that will get fixed for the next time. And for now, it seems like that is what the NBA is waiting for too.
Josh Robbins of the Orlando Sentinel reports the Magic will not get the All-Star Game in the City Beautiful until at least 2024. The event is booked for Charlotte next year, Indianapolis in 2020 and Chicago in 2021.
The earliest the NBA All-Star Game could potentially return to Orlando is 2024, the Orlando Sentinel has learned. Story:
— Josh Robbins (@JoshuaBRobbins) August 12, 2018
It is probably for the best that the Magic will have to wait a while. The City of Orlando right now is in the middle of a massive construction project that would make traveling around Downtown Orlando a nightmare for out-of-town guests.
Hughey Avenue, the street running parallel to I-4 next to the Amway Center, was closed all of last year during the Magic season. And it does not seem close to reopening. It certainly will not be open in time for the start of the 2018-19 season in October.
The I-4 Ultimate project to expand I-4 is ongoing and is not scheduled to be completed until 2021. It may take a little longer. Until then, traffic remains a major problem in town as construction will often close major exits for several days.
The Magic have also yet to break ground on their entertainment complex across the street from the Amway Center. That will take a while to build too.
That entertainment complex will feature more restaurants and bars across the street from the Amway Center. It will have a better entertainment plaza for the NBA’s pre-game festivities. And its convention space might make it easier to host more events downtown rather than throughout the city or on International Drive.
It certainly is a bit of a game changer for the Magic as an organization as they try to draw Amway Center patrons to their own property and development.
Having that built will almost certainly be something that would entice the NBA. Not that they need it. Orlando has the hotel space and the amenities to host this major event. Not to mention the Amway Center remains one of the best facilities in the league.
Ever since the NBA last left All-Star Weekend in 2012, it seemed certain it would return.
With all the construction going on around town, the city will have to wait a little while. At least until it is all done.
Until then, the Magic are sure to keep bidding to host the event. From there they will wait their turn to host once again.