Bismack Biyombo
Years Experience: 6
Career Averages: 4.9 points, 6.6 rebounds, 1.5 blocks
After the Orlando Magic awarded Bismack Biyombo one of 2016’s largest contracts, Biyombo failed to perform last season.
His trademark defense seemingly disappeared and he struggled to play alongside Serge Ibaka and Nikola Vucevic.
Offering little on offense aside from screens, Biyombo’s true value comes on defense. Without a dominant defensive performance, it is hard to justify Biyombo on the floor. While he was still good on that end, he was hardly the game-changer the Magic envisioned.
Ideally, Orlando saw him as someone who could both protect the rim, and defend the pick-and-roll. This was what he did during his impressive stint with the Toronto Raptors.
Yet this all seemingly vanished in 2017. He looked out of sorts on defense. At times, Vucevic even outplayed him on defense.
A lot of Biyombo’s struggles last season may have been down to lineups. His style does not mesh well with either Ibaka or especially Vucevic, whose struggles on defense put a lot of pressure on the 25-year old.
Ahead of the new season, he will look to once again become a strong defensive presence, and in doing so justifying his enormous four-year, $72-million deal he signed last year.