The Orlando Magic have played on Christmas nine times including some classic performances from some of their all-time great players.
For most of us, Christmas is all about family, food and festivities. Whereas for NBA players it often amounts to little more than another day at the office.
Not for the Orlando Magic though . . . well, not recently anyway.
The club was last involved in the Christmas schedule in 2011, when the team played a game heavily influenced by the early stages of the “Dwight-mare”, one that resulted in eventual defeat to Kevin Durant and the Oklahoma City Thunder during the opening night of the lockout-shortened 2012 season.
In the club’s 26 year history, the Magic have been involved in nine Christmas games in total, winning five and losing four. As the current team takes a well-earned rest, here is a look back at some of the most memorable performances from Christmases past.
Next: T-Mac meets the King