Rob Hennigan updates status on Glen Davis, Arron Afflalo


Training camp opens up in a week. It will be the time to put away all thoughts of what was and begin to focus on what will be. Read that as code that I will be trying to clean out anything relevant in my notebook during the next week (don't think there is much left).

For some players, it will be merely a continuation of the workouts they have been doing all summer. For others, it will be the first time the Magic will see them on the Amway Center court in a structured setting. For fans, it could be the first time we have seen them since in any capacity since March or further back.

Glen Davis, Arron Afflalo and Jameer Nelson did not reach the finish line of the season. Davis broke his leg in January. Afflalo injured his quad in late March. Nelson hit the shelf a week later. Orlando let the veterans take their time returning toward the end of the season.

And unlike the young guys who are on Twitter all the time taking photos and sharing their adventures, the veterans worked in virtual anonymity. We assume they all are healthy. It has been a while since we have seen them.

So until we get answers right from the horse's mouth — or vague answers from Jacque Vaughn — we can only assume everything is OK with these guys.

Except for Glen Davis. We know about the setback he had in July and then the report that Davis could be ready to go for camp. The Magic have taken a slow approach to guys coming back from injury the last year. The philosophy has not changed.

Rob Hennigan told John Denton of that there is no timetable for Davis' return, and the slow approach will continue:

"He’s progressing on schedule and he is progressing slowly. And that’s by design. One thing that we want to make sure of is that when Glen does come back we don’t want him to re-aggravate that foot. So we’re being very cautious and very vigilant in how he is preparing. He is moving along as scheduled but we still don’t have a firm timetable yet to when he will return."

It is the typically vague Magic answer. He likely is not ready for the beginning of camp, but it could mean he is set to return sometime during the preseason or later. Davis has not seen action on the court since January, and the last time we saw him at a Magic event (at least the last time I saw him), he was scooting around in a one-legged scooter thing. There has really been no update from the Magic until this on Davis' progress and injury.

Meanwhile, Afflalo's injury was not anywhere near as serious, but the Magic's slow approach had them shut him down with a month left in the season.

Afflalo put in a strong year for him offensively. He dedicated himself this offseason to improving his conditioning and becoming a more complete player. He was working out mostly in Los Angeles and looked good according to Steve Kyler of HoopsWord. Hennigan updated his status as well:

"He’s fine. He spent the majority of the summer really tapping into his body and doing some things that are different than he did in the past in relation to his weight-training and his diet. He’s feeling great."

Afflalo and Nelson should be set to go when camp kicks off Tuesday. And their contributions on and off the court are invaluable.

Training camp is just around the bend.