If you cannot tell, this lockout has been a bit of a drag. For the last two months there has been zero NBA news worth reporting on. What is worse for Magic fans is that a lot of work is left to do this summer in whatever truncated offseason we are going to have.
Yes, bloggers and those covering the teams are having a tough time coming up with content since predictions about the future are pretty hard to make right now. Even tracking down what players are doing right now is kind of difficult.
Any distraction from the lockout is a welcome one.
So what is one way to find out news about your favorite team and players? Google, of course. You can probably learn something from the suggested searches Google offers. That is what Royce Young of Daily Thunder tried to do. He learned a little bit about what the Google thinks of his team.
So how about the Magic? Glad you asked.
As you might have guessed, Dwight Howard has some silly searches. I too have often wondered what Dwight Howard‘s best planks are. But the real shadow is that Google is autofilling the Dwight Howard “trade” and “lakers” through its search engine a lot more than Magic fans would probably like. Start searching “Dwight Howard magic” to make up for these results.
Gilbert Arenas stats |
Gilbert is probably thankful that his relationship and incident with Javaris Crittenton does not show up when you Google his name. Rather his twitter and planking antics are what people are searching for. I am sure he would like everyone to forget his stats from last year.
Somehow Van Gundy’s height is an issue Googlers want to know. Because of my safety settings, Van Gundy and his likeness to Ron Jeremy did not show up. Why free throws is there is a complete mystery to me. Stan Van Gundy‘s dribbling skills are also still pretty popular. And yes, we all wish Van Gundy was on Twitter.
Many an Orlando lady wants to be Redick’s wife, but sorry girls, he is taken and is enjoying married life as I detailed in my look at what the players are up to. Other than that, yeah, people still look at Redick as the Duke player who dominated headlines throughout his college career.
Jameer Nelson has some itneresting searches that pop up. Nelson is probably the Magic’s most trade-able asset at this point and so a lot of people on Google want to know what the Magic could get for him. I don’t blame them. Orlando is looking to add players that will work around Howard and make a major impact on the team. With too much cap room filled up and little mobility to sign players, a Nelson trade might be the way out. But why ESPN? That I have no clue.
Much the same with Nelson and Arenas, everyone seems to want to know about Turkoglu’s stats and his contract and where he could be going next. Of course his famous interview in New York while he was playing for Toronto is still a favorite YouTube moment.
So as you can see from these sample of Google’d athletes. There is a lot of uncertainty with the Magic… and frankly not that much interesting.
This lockout needs to end.
Photos via DayLife.com.